Company profile
Al-OSAIS was founded in 1972 as a 100% Saudi owned Establishment and through out the years becomes a holding company named by AL-OSAS INT’L. HOLDING CO, owning a major shares in more than 16 companies and minority in more than 50 other local and global companies & investment institutes.
For over three decades, through continuous investment and development , Al-Osais Group of companies has become one of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s most dynamic and forward-looking independent business networks.
AL OSAIS has multi tie-ups & partnerships with international firms from all around which added value and strength to our credibility and resources along with a significant business inelegance enlightening our path , reaching higher standards.
Bachelor of Science degree in Geomatics or Civil Engineering
GPS surveying field work experience and associated data collection coding .
CAD survey production group using Auto CADD or Microstation software.