Water Treatment - Division Head
Job Profile
Business Development / Proposal Management:
Account Management / Contract Management:
Client relations: Responds to customer needs.
Participates in negotiations of regional, multi-site and/or complex
agreements. Manages change variations and negotiates renewals, secures
profitable scope changes, secures favorable renewal margins.
Le verages area resources to maximize purchasing power, ensures compliance
with legal requirements and company policy and identifies and justifies
capital expenditures
Management/Human Resources:
Manages communications, cultivates individual talents, motivates
successfully) and leadership (builds relationships, facilitates team
success, provides direction and delegates responsibly). Provides training to
project managers on technical and business related topics to improve project
BE Chem
At least 10 - 15 years of work experience in water and wastewater treatment
If interested please call me at 0-8553511204 or mail me your resume to cvstrendsettershr.com