A leading company looking for an experienced cable Jointer in Dubai.
Job Details :
* Shall report to on site PM of Client as per time.
* Shall read the Copper Jointing/Fiber Splice diagrams and conduct
splicing/jointing of twisted pair and if cable of up to 400 pair in
MDF/IDF/Street Pole.
* Kronning/ Wrapping of copper cable pairs in respected tag
blocks/krone blocks.
* Jointing the cable with scotch buttons and placing them in joint
closure and weather proofing if required.
Job Requirements :
* Diploma or ITI in Electrical
* Five years Gulf Experience as High Voltage CableJointers in 11kV and
* Must have CableJointers Gulf License.
* Candidates with License from KAHRAMA is preferred .
Job Details :
* Shall report to on site PM of Client as per time.
* Shall read the Copper Jointing/Fiber Splice diagrams and conduct
splicing/jointing of twisted pair and if cable of up to 400 pair in
MDF/IDF/Street Pole.
* Kronning/ Wrapping of copper cable pairs in respected tag
blocks/krone blocks.
* Jointing the cable with scotch buttons and placing them in joint
closure and weather proofing if required.
Job Requirements :
* Diploma or ITI in Electrical
* Five years Gulf Experience as High Voltage CableJointers in 11kV and
* Must have CableJointers Gulf License.
* Candidates with License from KAHRAMA is preferred .