Ibrahim Kabora ALI
Contacting address: United Nations Development Program (UNDP–Sudan) House #7, Block 5, Gama’a Avenue, P.O.Box 913, Khartoum, Sudan
Cell phone #: +0528612254, Email:ibrahimkabora4gmail.com
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Profile I am Progressive, self-motivated and increasingly responsible in Human Resources Management with a track record of solid achievement in variety of professional areas i.e. Organizational Leadership, Development, Recruitment & Selection, Employment, Retention, Employee Relations, Training and Development, Sudan Labor Law and Social Insurance Compliance, Benefits and Compensations, Awards and Recognitions.Educational Background
ð Bachelor's degree in Economics and Social Studies (Economics& Political Science) University of Khartoum / Sudan, Oct. 1984
Training Courses
Ø Human Resources Management (HRM), Training course at EAAC Group for Training, February 2008, Khartoum.
Ø Leadership and Team Building, certificate of attendance, January 2008, Khartoum.
Ø Performance Appraisal: certificate of attendance, January 2008, Khartoum.
Ø Security Plans for NGO's (RedR), training course, April 2007, in Nairobi, Kenya.
Ø Application of Sudan Social Insurance, training course, Aug. 2006, Khartoum.
Ø Fundamentals of Hospitals Administration, Training course, November 1988, Riyadh, KSA.
Ø Manpower Management in Hospitals, Training course, December 1987, Riyadh, KSA.
Ø Computer training course, M.S Word, excel, access, power point, May 2000, Khartoum.
Work Experience/ Employment Record
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
HR Officer
August 2009 to Dec. 2013
Khartoum, Sudan
Ø Perform full cycle of national and international recruitment process, through screening, long listing& short listing, as well as participating in interview panels, conducting reference checks and preparations of interview reports and data as requested by UN formalities.
Ø Interview candidates using competency-based interviews, UN agreed standard, and filter applicants to meet organization’s requirement and applicant’s KSA’s.
Ø Preparing interview reports for candidates who were tested and interviewed by narrating their details of last employment experiences and write their evaluations and their suitability for UNDP employment.
Ø Prepare and maintain updated UNDP organizational charts for all state offices and Job Descriptions at all times and ensure they are in conformity with required skills and knowledge set by UNDP.
Ø Provide guidance and advice to internal clients on development & utilization of HR Forms and policies to ensure high levels of efficiency, expertise, and productivity.
Ø Create and maintain accurate employee files, issue attestations letters and related administrative HR documents, provide HR related advices to employees with regards to legal rights such as social security, contractual obligations, and annual leave/vacation while ensuring the establishment of effective systems.
Norwegian Church Aid (NCA-Sudan)
HRand Admin Manager
March 2006 to February 2009
Khartoum, Sudan
Ø Formulate, develop and implement HR policies and procedures and guidelines to ensure legal compliance and best practice Sudan-wide.
Ø Responsible for organizational development programs, i.e. job analysis, job description development, job enlargement, job rotation as in-house training, job evaluation& grading tools if required.
Ø Responsible for HR planning, recruitment and selection, organize training activities and design training need analysis (TNA), payroll and compensation, formulating policies and procedures, staff developing, and administering of HR policies in consistent with key objectives and goals set by the organization.
Ø Plan for future manpower needs in accordance with organization's objectives for expansion or downsizing of redundancy staff in case of Field offices close down.
Ø Responsible for recruitment and selection formalities, drafting and updating job analysis& descriptions, prepare advertisement in news papers, screen and interview candidates, issue offer letters, and employment contracts.
Ø Outsource, Coordinate, and monitor training courses and capacity building activities and ensures best utilization of available resources in training. Scheduling training need analysis (TNA).
Ø Prepare national staff payroll, calculation of post-service benefits, audit social insurance, income tax, and Provident Fund and Zakat deductions. In addition, salary advances, bonus and overtime payment.
Ø Provide proactive guidance, advice, and support to NCA's Field and section managers on overall Human Resources activities to include, but not limited to: employment legislation, recruitment, disciplinary action, grievance, payroll, compensation & benefits, social insurance, in line with labor law and NCA Field Management Hand Book (FMHB).
Ø Contribute, implement and lead HR initiatives that develops human resource to meet NCA objectives and strategies through innovative and best practice of HR policies, procedures, and systems.
Ø Responsible for staff medical insurance and liaise with hospitals network in connection with inpatients, as well as compiling medical claims and arrange for proper reimbursement.
Ø Ensure timely completion of annual staff performance appraisal and apply merit pay whenever necessary.
Ø Maintain personnel files and records, coordinate staff leave/vacations, and national travel per diem.
S audi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA)
HR Asst. Manager
Oct. 2003 to Sept. 2005
Riyadh, K.S.A
Ø Support Human Resources Department in embarking work strategies and action plans to set up a seamless HR policies and guidelines. To include launching of training need analysis (TNA) for fresh graduates Saudis, career development, Job analysis and job description, job enlargement and enrichment, selection and hiring process, leaves and vacations codes, disciplines, grievances, performance appraisal, employment contracts, and evolvement of Personnel Action Forms.
Ø Provide accurate translation for governmental rules and regulations for labor and workmen codes, ministerial resolutions, royal decrees and correspondence with international organizations such as FAO and WHO and other similar Authorities.
Ø Liaise with local governmental organizations to feature salaries and other benefits structure in order to fix tempting salary scale to commensurate with and compete in local labor markets. As it was newly established organization.
Security Forces Hospital Program
HR Supervisor
Sep. 1998 to Sep. 2003
Riyadh, K.S.A
Ø Plan, develop, and implement Human Resources strategies to include (recruitment and selection policies/practices, discipline, grievance, counseling, performance appraisal, employment contracts, review policies and procedures to recommend appropriate changes, and keep abreast of developments in various areas of HR.
Ø Feature and report on Human Resources issues, programs and development plans. In addition, advise staff in respect of rights, responsibilities, code of conduct, fringe benefits, entitlements, and contractual obligations.
Ø Provide inputs and give assessment, as required by Asst. HR Director, on salaries design by conducting surveys evaluating the local labor trends in the health sector and similar organizations to establish salary scale and allowances for locally recruited personnel.
Ø Delineate and monitor Job analysis and job design for newly open positions and launch job descriptions for these positions in consultation and cooperation with concerned functional department heads.
Ø Maintain adequate contacts and follow-up with department heads to provide induction orientations, and ensure that they are fully aware of Human Resources objectives, goals and aspirations.
Ø Base on annual performance appraisal, review database for re-contracting information and provide advice for department heads with required documentations.
Ø Review and prepare amendments for contractual status, benefits, and obtain approval from concerned director as well as Personnel Director.
Ø Supervise and update causal employees' contracts and monitor termination dates as required, and forward to Personnel Systems Coordinator for approval.
Ø Process Personnel Action Forms for validation of salaries and status changes/merit increment and have it approved by concerned administrator.
Ø Outsource recruiting agencies abroad and explore avenues of cooperation to ensure all vacant positions are timely got manned.
Security Forces Hospital Program
Recruitment Specialist
Feb. 1987 to Oct.1998
Riyadh, KSA
Ø Monitor and evaluate recruitment and placement related activities: Identify upcoming vacancies, prepare vacancy announcement, review applications and screen candidates, arrange and conduct interviews, and prepare job offers for successful candidates.
Ø Coordinate with other personnel sections to finalize processing of newly arrive candidates’ credentials, and other documentations.
Ø Review and prepare contracts for new hired employees and ensure that it copes with terms and conditions of employment and hospital’s salary scale.
Ø Assist the Personnel Analyst to update invalid personnel policies and procedures, and recommend changes to comply and consist with new issued governmental rules.
Ø Translate all documentations and correspondence originated from or coming to Human Resources Department.
Ø Draft and type outgoing memorandums addressed to Government agencies, i.e. Ministry of Interior, Visa Office, Passports Department, Police Departments and foreign countries embassies.
Ø Coordinate, as required with overseas agencies to evaluate block visa requirements, prepare block visa sheets, and send to Saudi Consulates in order that Recruiting Agencies can utilize it.
Ø Report on international and national recruitment trends i.e. supply and demand, forecasting, compensation, and fringe benefits upon request by HRD.
Ø Maintain required records, reports, and files relating to transfer/ promotion actions and salary adjustments.
Ø Maintain and update a sound filing system for all incoming documents concerning Recruitment Section.
Ø Update the weekly and monthly local and international recruitment reports and allocate to the concerned department heads.
Ø Ensure that all vacancies relevant to local recruitment are on the report and filled in timely manner with local qualified candidate.
Ø Liaise with department heads to accelerate processing of Personnel Qualifications Data (P.Q.D) approval, and finalize in timely manner. Translate all documents coming from overseas Recruitment Agencies.
Ø Prepare and submit accurate statistical periodical reports to the Human Resources Director and his assistants.
Al-Sagri Trading Est.
HR Assistant
Jun.1985 to Dec.1986
Riyadh, K.S.A
Ø Translate, edit, and type all incoming and out-going correspondences between the company and its various Clients through the Kingdom.
Ø Assist the Personnel Manager in interpretation, during traffic accidents, labor disputes, civil courts and other police cases.
Ø Escort the Personnel Director while conducting tours to all company newly awarded projects throughout the kingdom to assess manpower requirements and reporting upon return.