Ship and Yacht Cruise Vacancies
Posted date [12-Jun-2024]  (ID: 1693672)

We seek new crew workers to fill in several positions in our cruise ship base in U.K. Arctic Travel Cruises U.K Seeks the following positions: Kindergarten Teacher, ESL Teachers, Deckhand, chef, bar-tender, chef, cook, waiter/waitress, stewart, casino dice dealer, casino receptionist, accountant/purser, deck security officer, janitor, baby sitter, OOW, AYI, 3rd Engineers/Mates, Electrician, Senior Restaurant manager, interior designers, photographers, barbers, Crew Nurses, Doctor, hair stylist, kindergarten teacher, plumber e.t.c. Salary Ranging from 4,500 to 10,550 Great British Pounds. Send CV to Mr. Parker Presley via email shipjobs(at) to apply today.
Additional Information
Posted By: Arctic Travel Cruise
Category Job Classification -> Managers / Administrator
Experience Required : Jobs by Experience -> 02 to 05 Years
Gender Any
Location England
Country Jobs by Location -> Qatar
Monthly Salary: 35000
Number of Vacancies: 34
Contact Address: 8 Bolters Lane, Banstead, Surrey, UK Meet singes for marriage


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