Web Designer Job Description
A web designer creates the look, layout and features of a website. The job involves understanding both graphic design and computer programming. Once a website is created, a designer helps with maintenance and additions to the website. They work with development teams or managers for keeping the site up-to-date and prioritizing needs, among other tasks.
Required Technical Skill Set:
· AJAX / CSS 3 / HTML 5 / UI / UX design / Mochs / Jasmine
· Javascript / Backbone JS / Angular JS / Jquery / CMS
· SASS / Photoshop /XHTML / Illustrator / SEO / Web Markup / Drupel
· Responsive web Design / Ver Control / Web Performance
· Browser Delevelpment tools / Automation Tools
Other Skills:
· Multilingual Web development
· Experience in SMS gateways
· Experience in Payment Gateways
· Swift / ObjectiveC / Java Andriod / phonegap