A reputed company looking for a well experienced Cost Control Manager in Bahrain.
Job Details :
* Operational control of project with relates to; planning and
scheduling cost, cost coding and management reporting.
* Identifying and reporting "red flags" to Deputy General Manager and
Commercial Manager where cost is likely to exceed on a given
* Assigning and managing administrative rights for EDMS database.
JobRequirements :
* Degree in Engineering or Business Management.
* At least five years experience in planning and scheduling for major
* good communication skills .
Job Details :
* Operational control of project with relates to; planning and
scheduling cost, cost coding and management reporting.
* Identifying and reporting "red flags" to Deputy General Manager and
Commercial Manager where cost is likely to exceed on a given
* Assigning and managing administrative rights for EDMS database.
JobRequirements :
* Degree in Engineering or Business Management.
* At least five years experience in planning and scheduling for major
* good communication skills .