Dear Sirs,
I attach my CV for your consideration, showing my interest in joining your company; In case that you could need a professional with characteristics similar to mines.
I am a good Project Manager, Manager Design, Risk Advisor and Senior Consultant in railway projects; I am specialized in complete integration package. I have been involved in many International projects and solutions. Al-Mobty Co. (Saudi Arabia) Sino-German Consulting Engineering (Obermeyer Pl. CHINA branch), PÖYRY Engineering (China), Alstom Transport, GPO Engineering, COALVI (ALDESA GROUP), Development Spanish Ministry, ADIF...
My philosophy is based on motivation and good team management, time planning and critical milestone prediction, basing every project on fixed objectives, by company, by the teams, and the most important of all of them; by the client.
I have been directing logistic and production at large linear works and in big tunnels. I have great experience in managing large geographically dispersed team.
I have directed my own staff and subcontractors. I have also performed monitoring chronogram progress, production schedule and quality controls. I have determined technical requirements needed to accomplish external or company standards. I have worked with technical office of catenary, substations, signals, interlocks, track, railway installations, general facilities and interface solution. I coordinated first service circulation. I coordinated complete package of integration in all subsystems.
Pos-Project Management, Guaranty Monitoring and maintenance plans design.
I designed and implemented preventive and predictive maintenance plans, for High Speed, underground, trams and conventional rail.
I directed corrective actions in big accidents, I have great experience determining costs and liabilities in accidents; I have trained, motivated, and managed, quick intervention in teams for accidents.
I provided professionals training in electrical risks, hazard of working with height, HS traffic rail risks, and HV & MV for HS cuts beside to Tecnorail/Formarail, Forinen and Cefoin (in Spain). I have trained and directed, teams for fast intervention beside to ADIF, Alstom and COALVI.
Best regards
José A. García Fdez .
+ 34 648027819 (Spanish phone)
+966 545490709 (KSA phone) . . .
Skype ja.garcia.f .