On the strength of 18 years of operation in Doha, a well established and recongnised English school will be opening its first Nursery school in September 2012. Following the British Curriculum and incorporating the six key stages of development whereby we encourage every child to explore and instill all of these experiences, we are inviting experienced teachers to be part of this new venture.
The Nursery, although a new start up, offers the experience of providing education to the expat communitee of Doha, for almost two decades. Whilst we offer an international work environment, we also offer the job security of an established education provider. Our focus is the children and giving that extra touch that makes parents and their children feel welcome.
Run by British management, we are recruiting experienced Nursery Teachers and Teaching Assistants. If you are interested in pursuing a Nursery Teacher career in Doha, then there is no better opportunity. We have plans to expand over the next five years to mutiple sites, offering career growth and development.
Interested applicants must be Native English Speakers and be fully qualified and experienced in childcare (NNEB,NVQ, GNVQ, or equivalent).
This is an ideal opportunity for all the ladies that have recently moved here from the UAE or UK. The Nursery will be run to UK standards and salaries will reflect accordingly. Only candidates that meet the minimum critrea will be invited for interview.