Company profile
“WAJDA Group” is a reputed & very familiar name in the field of Communication, Civil & Electromechanical Services.
Over two decades proved it's capacity to undertake, execute all kind of installations and turnkey projects in the field, Always rewarded with nothing less then “EXCELLENT” in quality, workmanship and in time completion. It's prowess has been recognized by local & international companies. With this valuable experience gained over the years WAJDA Group of companies proved its quality to participate and undertake larger projects.
Job description
- Protects interests of the Company and employees in accordance with the company policies and governmental laws and regulations. Approves recommendations for appointments and terminations
- Prepare periodic reports to the management and Executive Board Committee.
- Employee orientation, development, motivation and training
- Assets & risk management.
- Keep track of the official records and execute all necessary administrative functions for the Director.
- Policy development and documentation.
- Ensuring timely deposit of cash in the bank.
- Bank account monthly reconciliation.
- Bachelor/Master's Degree, in HR Management/Business Administration or related fields
-3 to 4 year’s similar experience in Finance and Administration
- Excellent knowledge in P.C operation.
- Be flexible in working with managers and co-workers.
- Good problem solving skills.
- English is a must / Arabic is preferably.
“WAJDA Group” is a reputed & very familiar name in the field of Communication, Civil & Electromechanical Services.
Over two decades proved it's capacity to undertake, execute all kind of installations and turnkey projects in the field, Always rewarded with nothing less then “EXCELLENT” in quality, workmanship and in time completion. It's prowess has been recognized by local & international companies. With this valuable experience gained over the years WAJDA Group of companies proved its quality to participate and undertake larger projects.
Job description
- Protects interests of the Company and employees in accordance with the company policies and governmental laws and regulations. Approves recommendations for appointments and terminations
- Prepare periodic reports to the management and Executive Board Committee.
- Employee orientation, development, motivation and training
- Assets & risk management.
- Keep track of the official records and execute all necessary administrative functions for the Director.
- Policy development and documentation.
- Ensuring timely deposit of cash in the bank.
- Bank account monthly reconciliation.
- Bachelor/Master's Degree, in HR Management/Business Administration or related fields
-3 to 4 year’s similar experience in Finance and Administration
- Excellent knowledge in P.C operation.
- Be flexible in working with managers and co-workers.
- Good problem solving skills.
- English is a must / Arabic is preferably.