Hiring the Specialist Doctors for a Leading Hopsital in United Arab Emirates. Hurry Up if you fall under any of the below specialities.
Interested professionals mail your profiles to betsymedicalnaukri.com with the scanned copies of all the relevant documents.
1) Pediatrician MD/DNB , 3+ Years Experience with/Without MOH License
2) Female Gynecologist MS/MD/DNB , 3+ Years Experience with/Without DHA License
3) Dermatologist MD/DNB , 3+ Years Experience
4) Orthopedic Surgeon MS/DNB , 3+ Years Experience, With/Without MOH
5) Cardiologist DM/DNB , 3+ Years Experience
6) Gastroenterologist MD/DNB , 3+ Years Experience
7) Physician MD/DNB , 3+ Years Experience, With/Without MOH
8) ENT Surgeon MS/DNB , 3+ Years Experience
9) Nephrologist MD/DNB , 3+ Years Experience
10) Chief of Medical Staff Western Qualification, 7+ Years Experience
11) E.N.T Surgeon Western Qualification , 7+ Years Years Experience
12) Consultant Ophthalmologist Western Qualification, 7+ Years Experience
13) Consultant Female Gastroenterologist Western Qualification, 7+ Years
14) Consultant Female Dermatologist Western Qualification, 7+ Years
15) Consultant Urologist Western Qualification, 7+ Years
16) Consultant Orthopedic Western Qualification, 7+ Years
17) Endocrinologist With/Without MOH License, 5+ years.
18) Specialist Ophthalmologist With HAAD License, 5+ years,
19) Specialist Pediatrician With HAAD License, 5+ years,
20) Specialist Internal Medicine With HAAD License, 5+ years,
21) Radiologist (Male) MD/DNB 5+ Years with DHA License