Company profile
“WAJDA Group” is a reputed & very familiar name in the field of Communication, Civil & Electromechanical Services.
Over two decades proved it's capacity to undertake, execute all kind of installations and turnkey projects in the field, Always rewarded with nothing less then “EXCELLENT” in quality, workmanship and in time completion. It's prowess has been recognized by local & international companies. With this valuable experience gained over the years WAJDA Group of companies proved its quality to participate and undertake larger projects.
Job description
• Alternatively, a Project Manager might inherit a detailed project plan from sources such as a contract, a business plan, an organisation or a funding body.
• The Project Manager would normally be responsible for maintaining the project budget. In the first instance a specialist may help to prepare the budget for the Project Manager to then review. The Project Manager
should have ownership of the budget. Therefore, if a PM is handed a
budget by someone else, it is important that they are able to
understand it enough to take responsibility for delivering the project
within the budget defined.
• The Project Manager must continuously monitor progress in terms of
the status of the plan and the budget and report back to the Projects
Manager, the client, or the funding organisation via weekly or other
progress reporting and by organising and managing status meetings.
At least 5 years experience in project management
Excellent English, Arabic other languages are advantage
“WAJDA Group” is a reputed & very familiar name in the field of Communication, Civil & Electromechanical Services.
Over two decades proved it's capacity to undertake, execute all kind of installations and turnkey projects in the field, Always rewarded with nothing less then “EXCELLENT” in quality, workmanship and in time completion. It's prowess has been recognized by local & international companies. With this valuable experience gained over the years WAJDA Group of companies proved its quality to participate and undertake larger projects.
Job description
• Alternatively, a Project Manager might inherit a detailed project plan from sources such as a contract, a business plan, an organisation or a funding body.
• The Project Manager would normally be responsible for maintaining the project budget. In the first instance a specialist may help to prepare the budget for the Project Manager to then review. The Project Manager
should have ownership of the budget. Therefore, if a PM is handed a
budget by someone else, it is important that they are able to
understand it enough to take responsibility for delivering the project
within the budget defined.
• The Project Manager must continuously monitor progress in terms of
the status of the plan and the budget and report back to the Projects
Manager, the client, or the funding organisation via weekly or other
progress reporting and by organising and managing status meetings.
At least 5 years experience in project management
Excellent English, Arabic other languages are advantage