Male Gym Coach Required with an experince not less than 5 years and certifications in Body building or in fitness or in physio therapy.
As well able to give one or more of the following calsses in Fitness, personal training, kick boxing, cross fit, or zumba
Experince not less than 5 years.
Certifications in Body building or in fitness or in physio therapy.
Classes or personal traing will be agreed with a % to the coach, in inside working hours 20%, outside working hours 40%
As well able to give one or more of the following calsses in Fitness, personal training, kick boxing, cross fit, or zumba
Experince not less than 5 years.
Certifications in Body building or in fitness or in physio therapy.
Classes or personal traing will be agreed with a % to the coach, in inside working hours 20%, outside working hours 40%