Posted date [22-Dec-2024]  (ID: 1780487)


Region: Jeddah

Description: Our company is an established organization with a specialization in the food industry and in particular within R&D.

We are currently seeking a total of four microbiologists to be a part of a team of technicians within a busy department.

Duties will include: analysis of food products for microorganisms, investigating non-conformances, allocation of shifts to employees and, reporting results.

Ideal candidates will hold a qualification (degree, HNC, HND) in Microbiology or related and a proven experience in a similar role will always be an extra advantage.

Working hours : Sat to Wed, 10 am to 5 pm.
Thursday, 10 am to 1 pm.

Additional Information
Posted By: allama
Category Job Classification -> Doctor / Nurse / Medical
Experience Required : Jobs by Experience -> 02 to 05 Years
Gender Any
Location jeddah
Country Jobs by Location -> Saudi Arabia
Monthly Salary: SR 9,500 - 12,500
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