Posted date [15-Dec-2024]  (ID: 1777245)

                     ASMACS has team of dedicated and professional workforce of Engineers Officers, internationally. Our foresighted Management team includes qualified Engineers with a vast experience from various fields, professionals specializing in HR, Finance, Administration, Hospitality amongst other fields. Within ASMACS we have high expectations from the people we employ, and it is these people who have built the strength of our company to perform with quality of service and excellence.


Should have 7 to 10 years experience in the execution of piping work in petrochemical construction projects, be conversant with codes, able to read drawings and guide pipe fabricators. 
Additional Information
Posted By: ASMACS
Category Job Classification -> Engineering / Technical
Experience Required : Jobs by Experience -> 07 to 10 Years
Country Jobs by Location -> UAE
Contact Address: ASMACS
P. O. Box 48759, Dubai - UAE
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