Category: Jobs Offered
Region: Riyadh (RIYADH)
Description: Recruitment officer Job description :
A recruitment officer is involved in attracting candidates and matching them to jobs in client companies in temporary or
permanent positions. Most of these jobs related to IT field.
Recruitment Officer (RO) needs to work closely with the customer to define their exact requirements having his own database
of previously fetched candidates which made available in order to shorten delivery time. RO attract candidates by
advertising, websites, and abroad recruitment companies. RO needs to screen candidates, interview them, do background checks,
and finally make recommendations to their clients.
Typical work activities
„X Advertising vacancies appropriately by drafting and placing adverts using a wide range of media (e.g. newspapers,
websites, magazines).
„X Headhunting - identifying and approaching suitable candidates.
„X Receiving and reviewing applications, managing interviews and long listing then short-listing candidates.
„X Arranging interviews for the right candidates with the consultant or with the Employer.
„X Preparing resumes and correspondence to forward to clients in respect of suitable applicants.
„X informing candidates about the results of their interviews and preparing letters of appointment.
„X Negotiating pay and salary rates and finalizing arrangements with candidates.
Requirements :
1- Bachelor Degree in Information Technology.
2- 3 years in recruitment field.
3- Good knowledge in IT and Human Resources.
4- Good communications skills.
5- multi-language (more than two Languages) is an additional feature.
6- Computer skills.
7- Data Base creation and updating.
8- Self motivation.