Science Teacher
Posted date [14-Dec-2024]  (ID: 1776868)

Science Teacher

Category: Jobs Offered

Region: Riyadh (Sulaimaniyah)

Description: We are seeking a science teacher (chemistry - biology - general science) for Grades 6-9 (girls), the curriculum
we follow is American.
candidates must be:

- Riyadh residents
- able to express fluent English

if you are qualified, please visit our school as soon as possible.

The School is located in Sulaimaniyah, you have to go through Tahliya Street (east) and pass by its intersection with Olaya
Road, then pass another traffic light until you reach a Gas Station on your right next to "Araba club", turn right (taha
Husein Street), then pass straight by 4 intersections, go left through the 5th intersection (Al-Oyayna Street), the school is
on the corner.

Additional Information
Posted By: HR
Category Job Classification -> Education / Teachers
Experience Required : Jobs by Experience -> 02 to 05 Years
Gender Female
Location Riyadh (Sulaimaniyah)
Country Jobs by Location -> Saudi Arabia
Contact Numbers: 0543362134 Meet singes for marriage


Let's Get In Touch!

Ready to start your next project with us? That's great! Give us a call or send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible!