Posted date [16-Mar-2025]  (ID: 1818381)

Jobs Vacancies offer to  all job seekers.
  I am the  Human Resources Manager , under  the employment section  in
Rocky Ridge  Dairy and Farms Company here in Canada , we need workers from
all parts of the world to join the company , whether Skilled  or unskilled
they are all qualified to join the company .
You can also invite any of your friends and relatives to join us either the
Branch in Canada , United of  America  or United Kingdom ,all approved
applicants are to be granted free air plane ticket and free accommodation
and hospitality benefits.Applicants are only responsible for work permit
visa fees requirements,contact us through this

 email:  rockydairyfarmsltd(at)gmail.com
Your best Cooperation is highly appreciated .
Mrs.Patricia Mike.  
Rocky Ridge Dairy and Farms Ltd
 100-6449 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, Alberta T3E 5R7

Additional Information
Posted By: Patricia Mike/ Rocky Dairy Farms LTD CANADA
Category Job Classification -> Sales / Marketing
Experience Required : Jobs by Experience -> 00 to 01 Year
Gender Any
Location Calgary Alberta
Country Jobs by Location -> UAE
Monthly Salary: $4326
Number of Vacancies: 78
Contact Address: 100-6449 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary, Alberta T3E 5R7
Contact Numbers: 018017309432
Website: http://www.rockydairyfarms.com
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